Penguin and Sheep Unionize

Agoropolis is a farm with a population of 25,312 sheep. In Agoropolis, one human day is equivalent to 50,000 sheep days. This means climate change is felt much more drastically in this pastoral land. Winter winds came in summer, and the penguins from the Northern tundras migrated to Agoropolis because their icecaps were too slippery. Because time traveled so fast for animals, they had to reproduce far more quickly to replenish their numbers. For your reference:

Sheep life = 25,000 days, so a sheep lived half a day

To maintain a sheep population of 25,000 there was a lot of pressure to give birth quickly, before dinner time. Males lived longer than females to feed and clothe the newborns. But soon a disease swept through Agoropolis that cut the lifespans of males in half – in short, male sheep only had time to reproduce before dying. Soon, the wisest sheep in Agoropolis, who goes by Chiefpeehs, came up with a solution and inscribed a tablet with ‘THE LAWS OF SHEEP POST-APOCALYPSE’

It read:

FROM TODAY, 1B 5M 300K AD, all female sheep will breed with our neighbor penguins, who have a much longer lifespan than our disease-stricken husbands. We sheep and penguins share a distant ancestor before our species diverged. Not only will this solve the problem of reproduction, but also allow us to adapt to winter and summer climates.

So it came to be, that penguin sheep lived happily ever after.



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